This religious organization is affiliated with the NAUA, the North American Unitarian Association. Open Hearts and Minds fellowship is wholly independent, self-governed, and has no relationship with the Unitarian Universalist Association

We focus on providing opportunities to nourish the human spirit, enrich relationships, and do the important work of social justice. We welcome your questions, comments and interest!

The purpose of the Fellowship is to apply our values to establish and maintain a loving, welcoming, supportive community that nurtures spiritual and personal growth.
The Fellowship's larger purpose is to create a better world through information and engagement within the Fellowship and with the wider community.

Please join us at 10:30 am central
on Zoom at
(link subject to change - please verify on monthly announcement)
March 9th
Women's History Month
We will highlight the role of women as pastors and how they are treated by the Bible/ church. Rev. Terry Cummings is our guest.

Please join us at 10:30 am central at the
South Austin Senior Activity Center
3911 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704
February 23rd
“Songs that Drive Me Sane” with Steve Brooks
In times of personal stress and social upheaval, we often turn to music. Whether they’re songs of hope or songs of sadness, they connect us to deeper parts of ourselves, inspire us and summon our strength. Austin UU songwriter Steve Brooks performs some of the songs that keep him going and tells stories behind them. He invites us to contemplate our own personal playlists and how we weave music into the fabric of our lives.
On this Sunday now after the Inauguration, there is still good news. You just have to look in unusual places.
Past Perfect; Present Tense; Future Conditional
With the fresh “New Year” duly celebrated, Rev. Christine Tata wants to ask the real question: Who said it was a “New Year,” anyhow? Some folks with some machinery and an agenda, that’s who. But the times of our real lives are not governed by machinery or clocks or calendars. Our lives are stories, ongoing in real time, and each waking moment begins a new year. And each moment leads us into the greatest mystery of all: the mystery of Time.With the fresh “New Year” duly celebrated, Rev. Christine Tata wants to ask the real question: Who said it was a “New Year,” anyhow? Some folks with some machinery and an agenda, that’s who. But the times of our real lives are not governed by machinery or clocks or calendars. Our lives are stories, ongoing in real time, and each waking moment begins a new year. And each moment leads us into the greatest mystery of all: the mystery of Time.