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Sitting on a Bench

This religious organization is wholly independent, self-governed, and currently has no relationship with the Unitarian Universalist Association


We focus on providing opportunities to nourish the human spirit, enrich relationships, and do the important work of social justice. We welcome your questions, comments and interest!

Image by Hannah Busing
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Image by Erika Giraud

The purpose of the
Fellowship is to apply our values to establish and maintain a loving, welcoming, supportive community that nurtures spiritual and personal growth.​
The Fellowship's larger purpose is to create a better world through information and engagement within the Fellowship and with the wider community.

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Please join us at 10:30 am central 

on Zoom at

link subject to change - please verify on monthly announcement)



September 8th




Pilgrim Days, Pilgrim Ways

A Spiritual Path




Guest Speaker -  Rev. Fred Wooden a UU minister who served 5 churches over 40 years.  Retiring in 2020 from the independent liberal Fountain Street Church in Grand Rapids.  Along the way First UU in Austin from 1990-1994.  In later life, he was drawn to the practice of pilgrimage and will consider how it may be the quintessential UU spiritual practice.

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Please join us at 10:30 am central at the 

South Austin Senior Activity Center

3911 Menchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704


on YouTube at

(link changes every month - please verify on monthly announcement)



September 22nd​​​




Our Sacred Planet:

Water Communion Service





This Too Shall Pass​​


An antidote to anxiety about current events or anything at all is to keep in mind that This Too Shall Pass. The bad things pass, the good things pass. Let’s keep each other company as all things pass.

We all long for answers to deep existential questions that explore the meaning, purpose, and value of human existence. During this service, the Rev. Phil C. Mason will help us ponder questions, like:  Are we part of something larger than ourselves? What is our purpose in life? How do we find meaning in life? What is freedom and our associated responsibilities?  Rev. Mason is a “retired” Episcopalian priest who has “flunked” retirement because he frequently speaks at UU churches and serves as an interim minister for Episcopal churches.

Image by ilgmyzin
"I was drawn to this fellowship by the tradition of open discussion, devotion to equality for all, and the concept of individual thought, expression, and search for meaning as detailed in our Values and Aspirations."

- An OHM Member
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