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Image by Tolga Ahmetler

We have a number of ways to get involved
which are described below.  

Get Involved

Second Sunday Service


Do you like eclectic music, uplifting dance, movie clips, and reflections from the heart? If so, we welcome you to attend our Second Sundays Services at 10 a.m. Central Time via Zoom. They are nontraditional, inspirational services followed by a brief, facilitated time to share joys and concerns. This is followed by a brief time to visit with others in our community. Come nourish your heart, mind, and soul!

If you would find internationally known spiritual leaders, original poetry readings, and the occasional Monty Python video clips engaging, you probably would like our-out-of-the box spirituality.

Contact us if you want to attend so that we can send you the link and don't forget to visit our Second Sunday Services Gallery to view our previous services.


Come as you are!  Everyone’s welcome to the OHM Fellowship’s Fourth Sunday Services so come as you are to the 4th Sunday services!

Looking for a friendly compassionate spiritual community in South Austin? Want to be inspired? Enjoy eclectic music? Engage with thought-provoking ministers? Get involved in social action projects?  Want to be part of a Fellowship that values reason and free inquiry but also recognizes the miracles of everyday life and the sacredness of the Earth?  And the worth of every person?

Services meet on the 4th Sunday of the month at 10:30 am in the lovely “sanctuary” at the South Austin Senior Activity Center at 3919 Menchaca, Austin, TX, 78745.

If you want to attend please contact us so you’ll receive the monthly link.

Fourth Sunday Service
Food For Thought


We explore topics relevant to each of us and to the world from experts in their fields. Discussions are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. Central Time via Zoom. A typical discussion includes a brief TED talk or other video followed by attendees sharing their perspectives on the topic.


Contact us if you want to attend so that we can send you the link.  Click here to see a list of previous topics and some videos.


Friday Fellowship


Members, Friends and Guests come together, check in on one another, discuss matters of interest at the time, answer a thought-provoking question, and thereby ease out of the week and into the weekend.


Contact us for more information.

Book Club


Do you prefer Who Done It, Science Fiction, Inspirational books or those and more? No matter your preferred genre, you are likely to have a good time reading and discussing books with others. Join our Book Club on the third Monday of each month at 4:15 p.m. Central Time via Zoom. 


Click here to see a list of books we have read.  Contact us for more information.

Movies and More


Ready, set, action!!! Grab some popcorn and pull up a seat to our Movies and More discussions. Participants recommend movies or documentaries and each month the group selects a favorite, watches it when it suits each person, and then gather for discussions. Meetings are on the first Monday of each month at 4:15 p.m. Central Time via Zoom.

Click here to see a list of movies we have seen.

Soul Collage


Soul Collage© is similar to the book by Seena B. Frost.

Intuitively create the story of you in a small group with colorful clippings on pre-cut 5” x 7” mat boards. Discuss thereafter, beginning with the phrase, “I am one who…”

Contact us for more information.

Social Action


Core to our Fellowship is social action. We come together to help improve the lives of others and solve the problems that are pivotal to our communities and beyond. While we have a team devoted to being the pathfinders for social action, each of us is committed to participating in these efforts.

We worked with Mi Familia Vota to mobilize the Latino vote during the 2020 election by handwriting and mailing hundreds of postcards throughout Texas.

We believe as Edward Everett Hale said, “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

Contact us for more information.  Click here to see our latest projects.

Image by Renato Ramos Puma

"The human connection here at OHM is real and in-depth. It sustains me in ways I didn’t know I needed."  - An OHM Member

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